Camp Decorah is a Boy Scout camp owned and operated by the Gateway Area Council. Although they run an amazing youth program, often times there are not enough funds or efforts to give the attention to the property as needed. IN STEP THE CAMP DECORAH CORPS !
The Corps is a group of Scouters and non-Scouters alike who share their talents and time to go the extra distance on projects that need attention twhich otherwise might not get done.
YOU CAN JOIN THE CAMP DECORAH CORPS! Do you have the skills we could use to wire a cabin-or build some tent platforms ? Maybe you can't or live far away? NO m,atter! For the $25 membership fee you help us to help the Scouting program, receive emailed newsletters, be invited to the fall camp and banquet. You may even be entered into our special "dead critter by mail" monthly drawing! (just kidding!-they might be alive still)
Camp Decorah Corps
What are your fondest memories of Camp Decorah? The Pond at the Waterfront? Shooting black powder up at the range? Maybe it was working the Cope course with your buddies. What did you picture when you thought "this would be so cool if....if they added....." They all start as a vision, and when enough people share the vision we plot a plan, and create a reality!
But maybe I could do more? Donations for the CAMP DECORAH CORPs can be mailed to: Gateway Area Council, 2600 Quarry Road, La Crosse WI 54601. Just specify it is for the CDC-and know that 100% of all moneys go right into the Camp.
If you have any questions or want to "chat" with someone about this feel free to contact us~